Donors 2016 - 2017
For all of our ArtQuest Dance students, the program is possible because of the generosity of the many individuals, parents, family members and organizations whose gifts help us to take field trips, hire guest choreographers, purchase new costumes and so much more. On behalf of every student, past, present and future, thank you!
Leaders - $500+
Kathleen Cortez
Debb Debret & Agilent
Mark and Debbie Kithcart
John and Amy Nykamp
Sustainers - $250
Schwartz Architecture
Renee and Chuck Gangnath
Mark and Sheryl Simpson
Ambassadors - $150
Grund Chiropractic
Kenkel & Danley
Karen Schmidt
David Shenton
Contributor - $80
Greg & Laura Apostle
Allen Cortez
Aaron & Sarah Friedman
Desiree Henley
Robert and Catherine Jorin
Matthew & Sharon Junkel
Karen Littell
Theodore & Joanna Luthin
Olga Nikoliskaia
Aura Lee Salmaron
Karen Schmidt
Natalie Slanina
Linda Temple
Alisia Roberts Walker
Angela Walling
Kelly Wood
Supporter - $50
Bianchi Traffic Safety
Linda Coleman
Lisa & Scott Gummer
Paul & Helen McKairnes
Vali Reed
Molly Stockeld
Daniel & Dianna Wolfe
Leaders - $500+
Kathleen Cortez
Debb Debret & Agilent
Mark and Debbie Kithcart
John and Amy Nykamp
Sustainers - $250
Schwartz Architecture
Renee and Chuck Gangnath
Mark and Sheryl Simpson
Ambassadors - $150
Grund Chiropractic
Kenkel & Danley
Karen Schmidt
David Shenton
Contributor - $80
Greg & Laura Apostle
Allen Cortez
Aaron & Sarah Friedman
Desiree Henley
Robert and Catherine Jorin
Matthew & Sharon Junkel
Karen Littell
Theodore & Joanna Luthin
Olga Nikoliskaia
Aura Lee Salmaron
Karen Schmidt
Natalie Slanina
Linda Temple
Alisia Roberts Walker
Angela Walling
Kelly Wood
Supporter - $50
Bianchi Traffic Safety
Linda Coleman
Lisa & Scott Gummer
Paul & Helen McKairnes
Vali Reed
Molly Stockeld
Daniel & Dianna Wolfe